Recent statistical analyses have shown that comfortable and roomy bags that can be used for travel, study, or work are gaining popularity all over the world. Straps for carrying a bag on your back are a very practical solution, which is why backpacks are in such great demand. You can buy a backpack in a land-based store or online; it will not take much time. If you need to purchase a large batch of goods, then you will have to contact one of the B2B marketplaces. We would like to introduce Globy. This is a platform that was created for businesses to find each other and negotiate profitable deals. You can try the “Backpacks” category.
It’s very simple to start on Globy: it’s enough to go through a short registration and choose the type of activity to start. You can be a buyer, trader, vendor, manufacturer, or logistician. If you are a supplier, then there is good news for you. You can count on free promotion from the Globy project after registration and filling out product cards. Your lots will be displayed in the search engine and published on social media. You should understand that, in this case, your chance of finding buyers increases. In this article, we are talking about which backpacks are in fashion and what people buy most often. We also talked about the features of B2B and provided useful information.
Choosing Backpacks on the Marketplace
It used to be thought that backpacks were one type of youth attire, but nowadays, the situation has changed: such bags are worn by the elderly, office workers, and other categories of citizens. The reason is simple: it is convenient and inexpensive. According to approximate calculations, backpacks occupy a high position on the price/quality scale. Another big advantage is the ability to walk with free hands: this allows you to take hold of the railing on the stairs and the handrail in transport. Let’s talk further about several common models.
The anti-theft polyester backpack looks aesthetically pleasing and can be used during working hours. The volume of 39 liters indicates a high capacity. The product is manufactured in Vietnam and can be shipped from the port of Ho Chi Minh City. This backpack has anti-theft protection; that is, you can store valuables, money, or expensive electronic equipment there. That is why such backpacks are well-suited for business trips. If your smartphone is dead, do not worry, as this backpack has a built-in USB charger. Shipping information presents CFR/CIF or FOB options. The product can be ordered on Globy and delivered to Europe or America.
A women’s backpack made of dyed leather is a practical and beautiful solution. Many ladies will like the concise design and small size of the product. The straps are soft, which will provide high walking comfort. The standard color is red, but you can choose a different color. The straps are adjustable. Fasteners without magnets provide a secure closure. You can order the product in India, the port of Haldia. The seller offers EXW delivery. Payment can be made by quick transfer or via PayPal. Users note that the backpack does not rub the back, as it has a soft lining. There is a handle on top, so you can carry the backpack as a briefcase.
First Visit to Globy
If you visit the B2B marketplace for the first time, you will notice that the price for many products is not specified, but you can find out the minimum batch size. The fact is that you cannot buy goods at retail on B2B. Only legal entities work here. They bargain and then enter into an agreement. If you are interested in the product, you can contact the supplier and find out the details. They will tell you where the product is made, what features it has, from which country it is shipped, and what the price is.
If you are satisfied with this offer, then you can make a deal. Next, you must pay for the order and wait for the cargo to arrive at the port. Upon arrival, the cargo is checked and accepted. You should remember that Globy does not charge you a commission when making deals in the marketplace. The following solutions are available on the site for free: quick logistics, uncle.
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