Why Homeowners Are Switching to Solar Panels

Solar Panels

Have you seen a dramatic rise in your energy costs over the last few months or years? You may have started conducting research on ways to reduce this bill, including switching to LED lights, getting a more efficient HVAC system and unplugging appliances or electronics when you aren’t using them. However, have you researched solar panels North Carolina? These are some reasons people investigate these energy options.

Energy Cost Savings

In the past, you may have avoided purchasing solar panels because they were too expensive and didn’t have great efficiency. However, technology, including solar lights, has vastly improved both of these challenges. Solar panels and solar lights are cheaper than ever, and you can receive tax deductions or incentives for installing them, saving you money. In addition, their efficiency has improved over the last decade.

Because your solar panel system replaces the energy you would draw from the grid, you can reduce your monthly electricity bill. During periods of high usage, when your panels do not produce energy, you can draw from the grid. However, during times of high energy production, such as when the sun is high in the sky, you can sell energy to your local utility. This counterbalances the energy you draw from them, reducing your costs further.

Consider your payback period and the life of the panels. Also, calculate your loan’s carrying costs as well as your energy cost reduction to determine your monthly savings.

Carbon Emission Reductions

Solar panels do use significant energy to make, which increases carbon emissions. They require metal and glass as raw materials, and these materials go through a detailed manufacturing process. This process requires machinery and energy that comes often comes from fossil fuels.

However, unlike fossil fuels, solar panels do not produce carbon emissions. Therefore, within a few years, their lack of emissions offsets those created during their production. Although they cannot replace fossil fuel usage entirely, they can reduce it by producing readily available, renewable energy.

Higher Property Values

Anyone who has installed solar panels Virginia can tell you that solar panels increase your property value. Not only do buyers see panels as an upgrade, but they recognize that panels will reduce their monthly costs. Typically, for every dollar you save on your electricity bill, your home’s value increases by $20 or more. This could increase your home value by thousands of dollars. In fact, panels often increase your appraisal value by 4.1%.

Powering The Future: Solar and Battery Packages for Sustainable Living(Opens in a new browser tab)

Energy Independence

One of the greatest benefits of solar panels is that they can help you become energy-independent. You can both generate and store the power you produce so you can use it later. This is especially important during natural disasters, such as hurricanes or wind storms, when the power goes out. It also helps during times of high energy usage, such as hot summer days when everyone has air conditioners running or cold winter nights when everyone has their heaters on.

If you live in areas with high population densities, you have probably experienced rolling blackouts or brownouts. You don’t have to worry about these challenges when you produce your power, and you alleviate some of the strain on the grid.

As you conduct more research on solar panels Florida, you will see how these energy producers can help you and your family.

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