Will Basta Is Revolutionizing the E-commerce Industry

A more secure and stable financial portfolio is a highly complex issue today. Millions of people worldwide are trying to find ways to secure their income and business while trying to implement new technologies into their companies. Many businesses have struggled during financial crises, even more so with inflation happening. Will Basta is an innovator, real estate investor, and venture capitalist, a co-founder of Ascend Ecom, which is revolutionizing eCommerce automation systems by helping them diversify their passive income.

Ascend Ecom is the first and only wholesale product distributor, logistics, and eCommerce automation company. Ascend Ecom manages and grows sustainable passive income for worldwide known businesses, such as Walmart WFS or Amazon FBA eCommerce Automation Business clients. They can diversify portfolios by adding digital assets worth trillions of dollars.

Will Basta believes that in addition to traditional investments, the use of modern technologies and e-commerce means further growth of assets. For Will Basta, it’s all about portfolio diversification and when it comes to this, he’s the expert to go to.

After ten years of practice, Will Basta noticed a gap in the market and a need for qualified automation suppliers with proper implementation.

Ascend Ecom’s impressive business model uses proprietary software, AI-based research, and exclusive wholesale relationships to source products from carefully selected brands and manufacturers and sell them on Amazon through the Amazon FBA model.

The team implements three distinct product sourcing strategies to increase clients’ business value and capitalize on market potential. The Amazon FBA Automation business generates more than $100,000 monthly revenue for its most prominent clients.

Ascend Ecom creates and manages sustainable passive income-generating digital assets for its eCommerce partners. They have been at the forefront of innovative technology, eCommerce, and logistics solutions.

As Will Basta expands the Ascend Ecom network, he offers services primarily to clients between the ages of 25 and 55 who want to diversify their investments into passive income.

Will Basta anticipates that Ascend Ecom will continue to implement new innovative efforts to benefit its clients’ financial assets and expand its presence outside the eCommerce industry to satisfy existing clients in the long term. Essentially, this will help them create more programs that will benefit investors.

Basta’s mission is to become a top industry player and give legitimacy to the automation space to deliver long-term value to partners and investors. “eCommerce is on a rocket ship. Hence, now is the time to tap into the 5 trillion dollar market,” says Basta.

As seen before, the spread of standardized cargo containers revolutionized global shipping. It dramatically reduced transportation and distribution costs. The second big game-changer was the widespread use of the Internet, mobile phones, and related technologies. Today, the global economy is now experiencing the next revolutionary transformation – massive investments in e-ommerce design. The convergence of technology and change in people’s mindsets are two significant steps that have helped revolutionize e-commerce. 

As such, innovation always drives the global economy, and people like Will Basta have always caused significant changes in the economy and people’s lives, making a global impact.

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