Winning Strategies to Land Your Dream Tech Job


The journey to landing your dream job is both exciting and demanding. You’re anxious for your hard work to pay off but know that the tech industry is a competitive place. Finding a job at all can be difficult, let alone finding one that you love.

Here we go over how you can stand out from the competition and prove your skills when putting in those applications. Keep reading for winning strategies you can use to land your dream job.

Knowledge and Skills

The tech industry is a constantly evolving landscape that requires continuous learning and adaptation to stay up to date with emerging advancements.

When a company opens a tech position, they look for candidates who possess the most knowledge and a willingness to continuously learn. This means that if you want to land your dream job, you must be as educated as possible before applying. 

There are many ways to ensure you stay current on the latest tech advancements.

To be informed as industry news breaks, you can follow blogs, forums, and online communities, and sign up for newsletters ( Data Science Central is a great source).

Of course, staying informed is not enough, you must also learn how to use the information. You can do this by joining online learning platforms like coding boot camps or contributing to open-source projects.

Many job applicants pause their tech education after college. Having a resume that reflects knowledge of current skills shows the employer that you are committed and eager to work in the field.


When applying for a job, your portfolio is going to be reviewed in greater detail than any bit of information you provide. This is because your portfolio is an accurate representation of how well you can use the knowledge you gained from school. So,  you better have a good one!

A great portfolio consists of:

You do not have to have all of the accomplishments listed above to get a job however, the tech field is known to favor individuals toting vast proof of their abilities.

Know the Type of Job you Want

One of the most important parts of snagging your dream job is knowing what you want.

There are thousands of different types of tech jobs available. There are front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers, data scientists and analysts, IT support and networking, cyber security, user interface designers, and so many more.

If you have not already chosen your major, or have the skills needed to take on any job, you should start by deciding what aligns most with your interests and go from there.

Now, if you do know the type of job you want, you should continue by digging a little deeper. Let’s say you want to be a DevOps engineer. Do you know if you would prefer a cloud DevOps position, or automation engineering position over a SRE or release manager position? Assuming that you do have a preference, have you considered the type of company you want to work for? Maybe a small start-up or a large entertainment firm?

Discovering the finer details of the job you want is what separates a good job from a dream job.

Customize Your Resume

Tech positions often receive a large number of applicants which means that your resume has to stand out from the crowd.

The best way to ensure your resume shines is customizing it to the job you’re applying for. Do this by following these simple steps:

  1. Study the job listing. Look at the description, qualifications needed,  desired skills, and preferred attributes or certifications.
  2. In your resume’s skill section,  include keywords, skills, and technologies that were mentioned in the listing.
  3. Showcase relevant experience.  You may have a ton of tech experience that you want to show off, but the employer is more interested in the experience that relates to the job.  You can list everything, but you should put more detail into the achievements that align with the position.
  4. Summarize or customize an objective statement. This section of your resume will reiterate why you are a good fit for the position.

Customizing your resume is essential because it shows the employer you have real interest and real potential. Additionally,  many companies use AI to sort through applications, and this customization helps your profile match the position. Otherwise, it may be disregarded entirely.

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Understand and Prepare for the Interview Process

Securing an interview is only half of the hard part. You also have to nail that interview.

Interviewing for a tech position is often much different from a typical interview. You may have to take various tests or show your skills by working on a project.

Before the interview, spend some time brushing up on your technical skills and taking practice tests. You should also do some research to ensure you are fully up to date on the latest advancements.

Lastly, practice some common interview questions. This will help you articulate your knowledge and experience when the time comes.

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