The Nala Feminist Collective (Nalafem), in partnership with the Government of Namibia, is delighted to announce the forthcoming 3rd Nalafem Summit, scheduled to convene on 1st July 2024 in Windhoek, Namibia. Under the theme “Women’s Right To Lead,” the summit aims to foster, enable, and mobilize transformative feminist leadership across Africa.

The Cabinet of Namibia officially sanctioned the country’s co-hosting of the esteemed Summit during the 7th Cabinet Decisions session on 9 May 2024. The announcement was made by the Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Honorable Emma Theofelus.

In her statement, Hon. Theofelus highlighted that the Cabinet’s approval underscores Namibia’s commitment to promoting gender equality and women’s leadership on both national and continental levels. The summit will serve as a pivotal platform for Africa’s women leaders from different sectors including politics and activism to convene, share best practices, and cultivate collaborations between the public and civil society. With a commitment to advocacy, accountability, innovation, and sustained partnerships, the Nalafem Summit has played a crucial role in accelerating the realization of gender commitments across the continent since its inception in Abuja, Nigeria in 2022.

Building upon the successes of this inaugural edition in Abuja, and last year’s summit in Nairobi, Kenya, this 3rd edition will once more foster intergenerational accountability, while deepening conversations on the Africa Young Women Beijing+25 Manifesto demands, thereby creating a platform for information sharing, capacity support, and financing for young women’s leadership. Specifically, it will look to enable safety for women in politics by addressing cybersecurity challenges and combatting online harassment that hinders women’s full participation. Moreover, the summit seeks to mobilize for women’s financial freedom by leveraging ICT and e-commerce for women’s education, entrepreneurship, and increased political participation.

The exclusive event will feature panels and keynotes from distinguished speakers and partners ranging from former presidents and diplomats to civil society and movement leaders who will enrich discussions, and amplify the summit’s impact in a bid to contribute to the establishment of a Multigenerational Support System, promote innovation in digital access and education for girls, and recognize the exemplary leadership of African women leaders through the Nalafem Awards Ceremony.

As preparations for the 3rd Nalafem Summit gain momentum, stakeholders across Africa and beyond are invited to join this transformative movement. Together, we can advance women’s right to lead and drive positive change across the continent.

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For reference, and more information on the Summit, refer editors’ notes: Click Here

For media inquiries, please contact:

Noella Ngunyam, Head of Communications, Nala Feminist Collective (Nalafem). 

Efraim Ndalipo, Ministry of ICT, Namibia:

About Nalafem: Nala Feminist Collective (Nalafem) is a Pan-African multigenerational platform of women politicians and activists with a mission to FEM. Foster, Enable, and Mobilize for transformative feminist leadership.

About the Cabinet of Namibia: The Cabinet of Namibia is an appointed body that was established by Chapter 6 (Articles 35-42) of the Constitution of Namibia. It is mandated to include the following positions: the President of Namibia, the Prime Minister of Namibia, and any positions that the President so appoints.

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