In the heart of New York City’s bustling literary scene, Manhattan Book Group (MBG) is making its mark with its pragmatic and advantageous hybrid book publishing approach. Led by the visionary J.J. Hebert, MBG is setting a new standard in the world of independent publishing. Let’s take a closer look at what makes this company unique, exploring its author-centric approach, origin story, and its blend of traditional and self-publishing.
A Maverick in Indie Publishing
Manhattan Book Group’s distinctiveness lies in its author-centric approach. Unlike many traditional publishing houses, MBG doesn’t discriminate based on literary agents. It opens its doors wide to all authors, offering a haven for literary talent without requiring a literary agent as a passport. This inclusive stance has opened doors of opportunity for countless authors who might otherwise have struggled to find a platform for their work.
The Visionary Behind the Success
J.J. Hebert, a successful author in his own right, founded Manhattan Book Group with a vision to simplify the often convoluted world of book publishing. Hebert’s journey as a writer gave him firsthand insight into the challenges faced by authors, particularly those navigating the publishing world without the backing of a literary agent. With MBG, he sought to create a platform where the voice of every author could be heard, a place where literary talent was the only prerequisite.
Under Hebert’s leadership, MBG has achieved exponential growth, gaining recognition not just for its unique business model but also for the quality of its publications. The success of MBG is a testament to Hebert’s foresight and leadership.
A Unique Publishing Model
What sets Manhattan Book Group apart from the crowd is its innovative hybrid publishing model. This model combines the best elements of both traditional and self-publishing, offering authors creative control and higher royalty rates typically associated with self-publishing. At the same time, MBG provides professional editorial, design, marketing, and distribution services reminiscent of traditional publishing. This blend of the best of both worlds creates a more flexible and potentially lucrative path for authors in the publishing industry.
A Guarantee of Success
One standout feature of MBG is its promise of guaranteed Amazon bestseller status. This isn’t a mere marketing gimmick but a true testament to the company’s confidence in its authors and commitment to their success. It provides authors with a tangible measure of achievement that many can only dream of.
Beyond Amazon
MBG’s influence extends far beyond the realms of Amazon. The company has earned recognition from major news outlets, including NBC, CBS, and Fox, bringing its authors and their works into the mainstream spotlight. This kind of exposure is invaluable for any author and is yet another way in which Manhattan Book Group is reshaping the indie publishing landscape.
Empowering Authors
In an industry where authors often must compromise on their rights and earnings, Manhattan Book Group stands out by promising authors the retention of all rights and 100% royalties. This commitment underscores MBG’s dedication to empowering authors and placing their interests at the forefront of its mission.
The Bottom Line
Manhattan Book Group, led by J.J. Hebert, is not just an independent publishing house; it is a transformative force in the publishing world. It embodies a new era of publishing that celebrates accessibility, cherishes individuality, and prioritizes success. As the top indie publisher in New York City, Manhattan Book Group is rewriting the rulebook of publishing, one book at a time, and providing a platform for authors to thrive in the ever-evolving literary landscape.
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