Meta Spirituality sheds light on memories of past lives


The concept of past lives and reincarnation has been around for centuries and has been a part of various religious and spiritual traditions. Modern mainstream spirituality also supports the idea that our souls are reborn into new bodies and that we carry the memories and experiences of our past lives into our current life. From this concept, other ideas such as karma, soul contracts, and soulmates from past lives are born. 

Meta Spirituality, a spiritual teaching gaining traction in the West, reinterprets the concept of past lives and offers an advanced perspective.

According to Meta Spirituality, our true Self is the Source, and we are all connected. This means that we are not separate individuals but part of a greater whole. Our minds, which operate in separation, create the illusion of individuality, but in reality, we are all One Self on a higher level, sharing one soul.

When we have a “recollection” of a past life, it is not necessarily proof that we have lived before, but rather “a glitch in the system”, – explains Nina Verkoeyen, the founder of Meta Spirituality,- “It occurs when we accidentally tap into Oneness without consciously intending to do so and without realizing the nature of our true shared self.”

When this happens, we experience everything and everyone as ourselves. We can zoom into any person from the past, present, or future and feel as if it is us, and it will feel like we are that person. 

However, when we come back to our separate selves, when we are zoomed out – or thrown back into our separate confined Self and “out of that person,” our mind is looking for an explanation and interpretation, trying to make sense of what just happened. And it interprets it as a memory from a past life. A mind that operates in separation has no other explanation than this: “It felt so real, it felt like me, but it was also another person – this must have been me in my past life then.” 

This is because our mind, which operates in separation, cannot comprehend the concept of Oneness. Therefore, it tries to explain our experience in a way that makes sense to us. Our mind comes up with the idea that it was us in our past life. 

The same happens during “past life regression therapy” sessions or plant medicine ceremonies. During such sessions, a person is transferred into a relaxed, altered state of mind from which they can spontaneously tap into their true nature of Oneness and into “another person”, which gives the impression of being that person and only that person.

Meta Spirituality teaches us that our true Self inhibits billions of bodies and is in every person who has ever existed or will exist. Therefore, the memories of past lives we experience are not proof of our individual existence in a previous life but rather a reminder of our interconnectedness with all of creation. 

Instead of focusing on the idea that we have lived before, we now come to the realization that we are all One Self on a higher level and that our memories of past lives are actually a result of tapping into the Oneness of everything and everyone.

Meta Spirituality teaches us not to follow the fairy tales about how we were a particular person in our past life but to understand instead the truth that we are in every person who ever existed or will exist. By understanding this, we can build a direct relationship with the Source that is who we truly are, and consciously unite with everyone and everything, recognizing that we are The Creator.

Our society has long relied on traditional spiritual ideas that were established centuries ago, and while some of these ideas remain useful, others can be outdated and divisive. They tend to promote separation and individuality, rather than recognizing the truth of unity.

Meta Spirituality offers a unique and powerful perspective on the traditional concept of past lives and reincarnation. It encourages the healing and wholeness of our minds and the recognition of our unity as One Self.  

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This progressive teaching inspires us to move away from the limiting and divisive old-school spiritual ideas and embrace a more unified and holistic way of living. 

To learn more about Meta Spirituality, visit and watch the free ‘Introduction to Meta Spirituality’ Masterclass.

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