Primers are a necessary yet frequently overlooked step in painting projects with additional costs. Nevertheless, realize that you cannot get a perfect finish without priming. The majority of homeowners frequently forget to complete this important wall preparation step.
But professional exterior painting services in Toronto, ON understand its importance. It’s an initial layer that ensures proper adhesion of the paint and keeps the wall stain, peel, and crack-free in the long term.
If you recently painted and now your wall needs repainting, it was painted without proper prep. In this post, find out what primer has to do with the wall and why it’s necessary to achieve a professional finish.
Why Primer is Crucial for a Flawless Paint Job
Priming may seem like an extra step, but it may make a great painting project out of a mediocre one. The function of the primer is to provide a smooth and even surface for your paint. Priming makes the paint application correct for a flawless result. Without primer, your paint won’t adhere properly to the surface, resulting in uneven coverage, streaks, and peeling over time.
How Primer Creates a Uniform Surface for Top Coats
Have you ever painted on a wall that had paint patches or a bubbly surface? The color looks so bad on it. This happens because you didn’t prime it. Primer evens out the wall surface. It seals any patches or pores. It doesn’t let the paint absorb directly into drywall or bare wood but sticks properly to the primer layer. Primer gives your wall an even surface, and a uniform finish after paint.
Primer Allows You to Use Less Top Coat Paint
The least known benefit of primer is that when your wall is already primed, you won’t need to apply as much paint. Primers smooth out and even your wall, reducing the need for multiple paint coats. You can achieve full coverage in fewer coats, saving you both money and time. Consequently, primer saves you money, and time because you get the desired color in fewer coats.
Primer Helps Cover Up Imperfections in the Wall Surface
Very few walls are free from flaws. Sometimes you can see water stains, pores, or an uneven surface. And when paint is applied directly to this wall, it makes all the flaws visible after drying. And to hide them, you apply more coats, which still don’t cover them. But primers conceal the imperfections of the wall. Whether there is a stain or patches, primer covers them well and provides a flawless finish.
Primer Promotes Adhesion and Longevity of the Paint
Peeling or cracking paint is the most common issue that leads us to consider repainting. But if you have a solution that prevents peeling or cracking on the wall, then what could be better? Primer helps the paint adhere well, which allows it to stay in good condition for a long time. With the help of a primer, when your wall doesn’t peel or fade, you won’t need to repaint it for years.
What to Look for When Choosing the Right Primer
Now that you know how important primer is, it’s time to concentrate on choosing the best primer. Similar to paints, there are several kinds of walls and primers to match. Consider the kind of paint you plan to use and the surface type of your wall before purchasing primer.
If you’re choosing glossy paints, you will require a bonding primer to guarantee adequate adhesion. Additionally, you’ll need a mold-resistant primer for high-moisture areas like kitchens and bathrooms. To choose the appropriate primer, it’s also important to carefully inspect exterior surfaces and bedrooms.
Check whether the primer will work with the paint and the wall before buying it. Furthermore, specific primers with qualities like odor-sealing or stain-blocking are offered. Primer selection is an investment that will last for years to come, it is important to seek expert help for exterior painting services in Toronto, ON.
Find out more about residential and commercial painting services in Toronto in our recent blogs. Please visit here for related post.
The Final Verdict
Primer comes in both water-based and oil-based formulas, each suited for specific purposes. If you desire a professional finish on your walls, its usage is essential. It will protect your walls from fading quickly, conceal any stains, and provide long-term results. Additionally, it will save you both time and money because, after its application, you won’t need as many coats of paint. It provides full coverage in very few coats and eliminates the need for additional coating to fill pores or cracks. Professional painters in Toronto, ON, always make use of primers. Seeking their assistance will make your home painting job much easier. So, whenever you paint your home, never skip the Preparing Your Home step.
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